Friday, September 29, 2006

Pill Popping Bliss

Okay, so my title may not be the most attractive of titles. I guess it's not even something that I should be proud of, but what can I say ... I'm finally sleeping.

I've always been hesitant about taking sleeping pills or sedatives. But this summer my insomnia go so bad that I went into Boots and got a bottle of herbal sleeping pills. I tried them out for a few nights but found that they were really relaxants. So instead of being able to fall asleep, I would just lay in bed, relaxed, but wide awake. That definitely wasn't my idea of a solution.

A few weeks later I had a nasty fall down the stairs. As horrifying as that experience was, I have no complaints as the medication iw as taking for the pain put me soundly to sleep. And what can I say, it wasn't too long before I became hooked.

I didn't depend on them right away ... it wasn't till another few weeks later when my insomnia was kicking in that I decided to reach for that little bottle of magic pills to just try and get a good night's sleep ... and what do you know ... it worked! And so I took a few more the next night, and then the next, and then the next ...

And each morning I woke up feeling great because I had a good night's sleep.

Seems good, doesn't it ... well, not to everybody.

My friends are a little concerned about my growing dependency on these pills. To calm them down I told them that I'd give them up ... and I did ... well, for a few nights ... but those nights were so restless for me. I had trouble sleeping. When I slept I couldn't stay asleep ... and then I'd finally wake up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck.

So my argument is ... what harm can a few pills a night do when the results are so good? I get to sleep. I feel rested. And when I wake up, I'm ready to go.

I guess I'm caught in a dilemma right now. I don't want to be addicted to these pills. And actually for the last week I haven't taken them at all ... but the bad nights of sleep are really getting to me. I just don't know what to do ...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I'm back ... I can't believe how long it's been since I wrote ... especially given the tons of things that have been going on in my life over the past few months.

So here's a quick update:

First of all -- the biggest news of the summer is that D and I got engaged!!! :)
Though we had talked about it before it still came as a bit of a surprise. And I was a little nervous as we told his parents, but they were so excited for us ... a few days later I flew to tell my parents about it and they were just as excited! There was a lot of happiness and joy in the air and it was thrilling to tell my family. Of course wedding plans started right away ... and with 200 immediate opinionated family members, it's not always easy to mange ... but we're making our way through it all --- I'm sure I'll have details later.

Second --- the trip to the States was good. I had a great time in Boston. Felt extremely relieved to get rid of my storage unit in NY ... oh my God - what was I doing with all that stuff??? And I had the weirdest things come out of my boxes! I got rid of most of it, but even after donating things I ended up spending $1000 shipping things back home! Will I ever let go?? After getting that task out of the way H and I headed to NYC for a luxury weekend at the Waldorf Astoria. We had a brilliant time. As we drove into the city I realized that I absolutely loved NY. I never miss the US but as soon as I enter NYC, I feel nostalgic and long to move back to America.

Third --- I quit working at the advertising agency!!!! I am so relieved! There were two main reasons for the move - I really wanted my afternoons back & they weren't paying me enough to keep them occupied and two -- it just wasn't fun anymore. The company environment changed and I started to dread going to work. And I refuse to feel that way!

I'm so much happier now that I've quit the job.

So that stuff basically brings me to the here and now ...

I'm getting settled in my new flat which is slowly taking shape and turning into the cozy place I want to call home. I'm still waiting for D to finish up work in London so that we can be together. And work has started again. My class is great and I'm enjoying it so far.

That's the basic update from me ... will be back soon with lots and lots of details :)
